Steam boiler burning needs attention
Steam boiler combustion must first meet a certain temperature. The temperature of the furnace has a direct impact on the residual heat, drying and ignition of coal. The fire is fast, the reaction speed of coke and oxygen is also fast, and the combustion is more complete. Steam boiler combustion must first meet a certain temperature. The temperature of the furnace has a direct impact on the residual heat, drying and ignition of coal. The fire is fast, the reaction speed of coke and oxygen is also fast, and the combustion is more complete. Front Door Sensor, Door Sensor, Entry Door Sensor Caesar door control co.,ltd ,
The satisfaction of air is an important condition under the conditions of the furnace temperature, and the proper air supply controls the furnace temperature to make the combustion uniform.
It takes a certain time to ensure the time and space required for the combustion of the steam boiler. If the burning speed is fast, the burning time can be shorter. If the burning speed is slow, the burning time is longer.
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