Crystal classification explained
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Crystalline Varieties; Crystal We usually watch crystal clusters formed from hexagonal crystals (hexagonal crystals), belonging to Crystalline Varieties, such as white crystal, amethyst, citrine, and powder crystal. , hair crystals, tiger's eye stones are all such.
Crypto crystalline Varieties; cryptocrystalline cryptocrystalline crystal appearance is a block, not into a hexagonal crystal clusters, but they are also a hexagonal system. However, we cannot observe their hexagonal crystals with naked eyes, because the crystallized bodies are actively small and microscopic assistance is required to see hexagonal crystals. And this kind of crystal is very smooth, because the crystals are filled with "hydrated silica", and agate belongs to this category.
Special Varieties;Special class This type of crystal and general crystal are very large, difficult to classify as crystal or cryptocrystals, so they fall into special categories such as Skeeton Crystal which crystallizes in quaint crystals, and landscape stars in crystal. Patterned Phantom Crystal and so on are summarized as such.
Crystal Genetic Classification Natural Crystal: Natural crystals are formed under natural conditions and grow deep in the earth's crust. They usually undergo intense crust movements such as volcanism and earthquakes to form. Natural crystal belongs to mineral resources, it is very rare and precious and belongs to one of the precious stones.
Synthetic crystal: Synthetic crystal is also called regenerated crystal is a kind of single crystal, also known as synthetic crystal, piezoelectric crystal. The regenerated crystal is a hydrothermal crystallization method that imitates the growth process of natural crystals. The natural silicon ore and some chemical substances are placed in an autoclave and gradually cultivated after 1-3 months (for different crystals). It has the same chemical composition, molecular structure, optical properties, mechanical and electrical properties as natural crystals. In terms of birefringence and polarization, recycled crystals are more pure and have better color than natural crystals. After processing (cutting, grinding, throwing), the particles of various shapes are crystal clear, bright, dazzling, and wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant.
Melting crystal: There are many people in the market that call smelting crystals also called synthetic crystals. It is inaccurate. Crystals are generally used as raw materials to be melted under high temperature and high pressure, instead of being crystallized. They do not have the crystal characteristics of crystals. Therefore, it is impossible to confuse smelted crystals with synthetic crystals; however, smelting crystals are resistant to high temperatures, and smelting crystals made of high-quality silica can be used to make practical products such as crystal cups, baking dishes, tea sets, etc. The crystal bowl is made of high quality crystals from the East China Sea.
K9 glass crystal: Some people also call K9 glass also called synthetic crystal, it is even more wrong, although K9 glass is made of silica as the main raw material smelting, but added 24% of lead in the smelting process, In fact, it is lead glass; why do you add lead? Generally, the glass is blue or green, it does not look like crystal, but the whiteness of the glass after adding lead is very high, it looks very much like crystal, especially with 24% of K9 glass most like crystal, so the comparison of K9 glass is considered as crystal. appropriate.