Today more and more card companies, a variety of card products are widely used, many customers still do not know the difference between membership cards, IC cards and magnetic cards.
1 Membership Cards: Membership cards refer to general identification cards, including membership certifications for shopping malls, hotels, fitness centers, restaurants, etc. They are used for a wide range of applications. Wherever there is a need to identify identities, they can be applied to identification. card.
2 IC card: The contact-type IC card is similar to the telephone card; the non-contact IC card is also called the M1 card similar to the Shanghai public transportation card. Contact IC card Because the chip is exposed on the outside, the card itself often comes in contact with the machine and it easily causes wear. Since the contactless IC card is not in contact with the machine itself due to the fact that it is an inductive reader, the maintainability is relatively high. The IC card itself has a chip that divides different similar types of cards according to the capacity of the chip. Generally, there are more 4442 IC cards on the market. According to the quality of the card can also be divided into: Siemens, Philip Card, Fudan Card and so on. This kind of card is generally suitable for chain stores. This type of card itself can store data, so it is possible to consume the card in real time in a chain store.
3 magnetic card: similar to the bank card, the reverse side has a black magnetic stripe. Generally suitable for single-store use. The reverse magnetic strip merely saves the number without any Other thing, because the magnetic card number is one-dimensional, which ensures that different users have different card numbers. When a magnetic stripe card is used to manage a member, the member's savings amount, points, or discounts are realized through software. The characteristics of this kind of card: cheap, ordinary. Disadvantages: Magnetism is easily lost near strong magnetic fields.
Only by clarifying this knowledge can we better use membership cards, IC cards and magnetic cards according to our own reality.