Industrial pipe standard

Basic identification color, identification symbol and safety mark of industrial pipeline GB7231-2003

Slurry long distance pipeline engineering design code CECS98:98

Industrial metal pipeline engineering construction and acceptance specification GB50235-97

Industrial equipment and pipeline insulation engineering design specification GB50264-97

Common terminology for pipeline engineering structures CECS83:96

Technical specification for anti-corrosion engineering of xylene-type unsaturated polyester resin CECS73:95

Gas pipeline engineering design specification GB50251-94

Oil pipeline engineering design specification GB50253-94

Industrial metal pipeline engineering quality inspection and evaluation standard GB50184-93

Industrial equipment and pipeline insulation engineering quality inspection and evaluation standard GB50185-93

Concrete conveying pipe type and size JJ83-91

Buried oil and gas pipeline structure design specification CECS15:90

Industrial equipment and pipeline insulation engineering construction and acceptance specifications GBJ126-89

Technical specification for furan resin anti-corrosion engineering CECS01:88

Construction and installation engineering quality inspection and evaluation standard industrial pipeline installation engineering TJ307-77

Finger Joint /Recycle Film Faced Plywood

Finger Joint Film Faced Plywood,Recycle Film Faced Plywood,Finger Joint Plywood

Linyi Chanta Plywood Co., Ltd. ,