Boos 500kW Photovoltaic Grid-connected Inverter Receives Golden Sun Certificate

In October 2010, Boos PV grid-connected inverters passed the series of system audits such as type test and factory inspection, and obtained the “Golden Sun” certification issued by China Quality Certification Center (CQC) to meet the national “Golden Sun”. Engineering" designated CNCA/CTS0004: 2009 PV inverter specification standard. This certificate shows that the performance indicators of Boos PV inverters are fully in line with the requirements of China's solar photovoltaic power generation industry, and it is also the first time in Shandong Province.
The acquisition of the 500kW photovoltaic grid-connected inverter "Golden Sun Certificate" indicates that Boos has taken a big step forward in the field of photovoltaic core technology, which has also played a powerful role in promoting the company's new energy market development. Our company has obtained the “Admission Ticket” for participating in the “Golden Sun Demonstration Project” of the national major project.
“Golden Sun Project” is one of the key projects supported by the national solar industry policy. The Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the National Energy Administration jointly issued the Notice on the Implementation of the Golden Sun Demonstration Project. The notice clearly stated that the inverter products used in the “Golden Sun Project” project supported by the state financial subsidy must be in accordance with CNCA/CTS0004:2009. The certification technical specification requires the approval of the certification body by the state." 'Boos 500kW Photovoltaic Grid-connected Inverter Receives Golden Sun Certificate

Holographic Grating

China star optics can provide customers with a variety of replicated grating products such as diffraction gratings, reflective gratings,holographic gratings,concave gratings etc. to meet different needs. Maximum ruled area is up to 300x300mm2 for plane ruled diffraction gratings. For replicated diffraction and transmission gratings the ruling density can be from 20 grooves per millimeter to 2400 grooves per millimeter, wavelength from 0.2 micron to 25 microns.

They are widely used for applications in optical communications,biotechnology, colorimetry,chromatography,and medical instrumentation.

Handling Gratings: Gratings require special handling, making them prone to fingerprints and aerosols. Gratings should only be handled by the edges.

Holographic gratings:
Ruled area: <=70 * 70mm
Wavelength range: 0.2-0.8um
Grooves per mm: 1,200 to 3,600L/mm
Diffraction: >70%
Ruled gratings:
Ruled area: <=70 * 70mm
Wavelength range: 0.2-15um
Grooves per mm: 50 to 2,400L/mm
Diffraction: >70%
Concave gratings:
Ruled area: <=70 * 70mm
Wavelength range: 200 to 900um
Grooves per mm: 490 to 1,200L/mm
Diffraction: >70%

Holographic Grating,Holographic Blazed Grating,Holographic Concave Grating,Aberration-Corrected Holographic Grating

China Star Optics Technology Co.,Ltd. ,