In the next two years, China’s SMEs will collapse on a large scale.

The lack of technology and cost advantages has made manufacturing companies struggling. In the past, high-tech enterprises have become the flag of the industry, showing the true face of traditional manufacturing. Macroeconomic data has improved since the third quarter, but the scale of infrastructure has lifted companies such as high-speed rail, which has little benefit for ordinary manufacturing companies. Taking the photovoltaic industry in Hebei Province as an example, the latest data of the province's information industry and information technology association shows that by the end of September, the province's electronic information industry has completed the main business income of 63.055 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of -12.10%, of which the manufacturing industry has accumulated The main business income was 51.948 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of -15.78%. Small and medium-sized enterprises in the photovoltaic industry have stopped production, large enterprises have suffered losses, and the economic operating environment is more severe than after the 2008 financial crisis. Yingli and Jinglong Group's main business income from January to September was 18.852 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of -22.66%, a decrease of 15 billion yuan (including subsidiaries) from the same period of the previous year. Total profit fell from a loss of 2.138 billion yuan in the same period last year to a loss of 1.626 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 5 billion yuan (including subsidiaries). The steel industry has entered a difficult period of integration, and many of the extensively developed local family businesses are unlikely to see the arrival of spring. The Economic Observer reported in September that in the Wu'an area of ​​Hebei, private steel enterprises have a total capacity of 5,000-6,000 tons, and almost no projects have been formally approved by the state. A person in charge of a private steel company in Wu'an who did not want to be named said that according to the national policy, all new blast furnaces need to be submitted to the National Development and Reform Commission for approval, but no one in Wu'an area reported it. In the past six or seven years, even in the past 10 years, the National Development and Reform Commission has almost never approved a steel project of a private enterprise. However, in the past 5-10 years, the market was very good, and many private enterprises did not approve it. Therefore, 50% of the steel production capacity is currently not filed. There are no bright spots in manufacturing across the country. In the first eight months of this year, the production and operation status of small and medium-sized enterprises in Lanzhou was difficult, and 101 small and medium-sized enterprises were restricted from production. Among them, 30 were restricted and 71 were stopped. Some large and medium-sized enterprises implement “elastic production”. From January to July, the city's above-scale industries completed the main business income of 101.18 billion yuan, an increase of 3.6%. Affected by the downturn of the national industrial economy, the supporting role of large enterprises is not strong. There are 34 households with negative growth in industrial output value of 100 key industrial enterprises, and sales revenue has dropped to 50. The dilemma of the traditional manufacturing industry has spread to large and medium-sized enterprises, the ecological chain has continued to deteriorate, small fish and shrimp have become extinct, and large fish are difficult to protect themselves. The domestic sportswear company Peak Sports report shows that as of September 30 this year, its authorized retail outlets in China were 6,739, a decrease of 1,067 compared with the end of last year. The order status of Peak Sports is also not optimistic. The total order value of the trade fair in the second quarter of 2013 decreased by 20% to 30%. In the first half of this year, Li Ning Group continued to promote the transformation of sales channels. On the basis of the newly opened 248 stores, it closed 1200 inefficient stores, which accounted for 15%. As of June 30, the number of stores in Li Ning's regular stores, flagship stores, factory stores and discount stores was 7,303, down 952 from the end of last year. In addition, Anta Sports has also reduced the number of stores by 110 this year. In August this year, the SMEs Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology did not want to be named officials. "The situation is not optimistic. The crisis is spreading from small and micro enterprises to medium-sized and above enterprises. In the past, emphasis has been placed on the burden reduction of small and micro enterprises. Now we must also pay attention to the burden of enterprises above designated size. The problem is that in the face of continued downward pressure on the economy, the pressure on large and medium-sized enterprises is also great, and the demand for tax reduction for medium-sized enterprises is also urgent.” So, in recent months, starting from the photovoltaic industry, Baoda (enterprise) There are more and more measures to abandon small (enterprise). The author asked about the situation of some traditional manufacturing industries in the region. Most of the enterprises in this year are in the wait-and-see period. If the market continues to decline, it is difficult for enterprises to survive next year. In the past, the cycle of excess, compression, infrastructure, expansion, and surplus is difficult to reproduce, and absolute overcapacity will enter an absolute capacity compression period. In the years after the Ming Dynasty, it is a test of life and death for SMEs. How to save SMEs? The requirements put forward by enterprises are to reduce taxes, reduce costs, and let go of finance, etc., and most scholars put the breaking of monopoly in an important position. Salvation is not the way, selective rescue is likely to save a group of inefficient large enterprises, making the future prospects of the industry even more bleak. Any rescue should not focus on the size, which will cause serious moral hazard. The company will not aim at efficiency in the future. The bigger goal is that it will not be able to let the government rescue. Selective tax and fee concessions are also not the means. Since last year, the Ministry of Finance and the National Development and Reform Commission have issued notices, canceling 31 national and central departments and units involved in enterprise administrative fees, and small and micro enterprises identified according to standards. From this year to December 31, 2014, exemption from administrative and institutional fees, such as management, registration, and licenses, and the cancellation of 253 administrative offices involving enterprises established by provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government from February 1, 2012. Business charges. Tax concessions have caused some companies to rush around to snatch concessions, while some local governments have reduced their fees and the other has been pre-taxed under financial pressure. Reform is the only way. Establishing clear expectations in terms of taxes and fees, so that honest operators can make a fairly accurate judgment on the industry's prospects and production capacity. These long-term enterprises will become the backbone of mergers and acquisitions during the economic downturn. The 36 new and old non-public economy must be implemented in a practical way. After breaking the monopoly to attract private capital into energy and other industries, it is more important to give fair management and dividend rights to private capital and establish a strict fiduciary responsibility mechanism. The author asked an entrepreneur in Wenzhou's leading pipe industry to be willing to save the government. His answer is very firm, no. What he wants is a level playing field. He hopes that the government will strengthen quality supervision, drive out unscrupulous enterprises, and let the entrepreneurs who look to the future have a safe and clean competitive environment. The author asked the chairman of a high-tech company. His question and answer is also that there is no need to save. What is needed is to protect intellectual property rights so that innovators can have the soil to survive.


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