College students have new inventions, new military training is expected to use fresh sun protection military training clothes
The fabric is first immersed in special materials to achieve UV protection. Wuhan Institute of Science and Technology revealed yesterday that the invention of Zeng Pengcheng, a graduate of this school, not only won the first prize of the Challenge Cup for University Students Science and Technology Achievement in Hubei Province, but also was awarded a transfer fee of 300,000 yuan by the enterprise phase. Mechanical Parts Package Of Passenger Elevator
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The company has signed a contract for the production of new-year military training apparel for a number of colleges and universities in Hubei Province. This fall, freshmen of Hubei University are expected to take advantage of military training uniforms to prevent UV radiation from escalating their military training.
Zeng Pengcheng, 22, from Jingmen, Hubei Province, Wuhan University of Science and Technology Institute of Textiles and Materials 05 students, has signed Fujian Xinhua Co., Ltd. Two days later, he will go to work, but in a slightly hot laboratory on the third floor of the college, he is still perfecting his own technology - UV protection military training clothing.
“Actually, the development of UV protection military training clothes is related to their own military training experience.†Zeng Pengcheng said that he entered college four years ago. The hot sun was hot and the military training service was poor in breathability. Many of his classmates suffered from heat stroke. “Our own learning profession is just like this. Related, can we study a sun protection military training suit?" This became Zeng Pengcheng's original idea. In 2006, he joined the student scientific research team organized by Prof. Xin Zhu. After the initial research project was rejected by his mentor, Zeng Pengcheng started looking for UV protection products. His standards are: Degradable materials, no pollution to nature, can not Like current UV umbrellas, chemical paints are not easily degradable; the process is not particularly complex; sun protection, UV protection, and air permeability are good.
Since 2007, Zeng Pengcheng has been looking for raw materials around and then deployed it in the laboratory once, twice, or three times... This process is very boring, and it is often a person's stay for a long time. He spends a lot of thoughts and formulas, and fails to pass the test. Frustration is commonplace. . In this way, he constantly tried and failed. Zeng Pengcheng made a simple calculation. Over the past two years or so, with the help of a teacher, he had tried at least a thousand formulas before he saw the light.
Two weeks ago on June 26, Zeng Pengcheng negotiated with Wuhan Fangyuan Jingwei Textile Apparel Co., Ltd., who took the initiative to find a home, and signed a 300,000 yuan technology transfer agreement. Tang Shiyi, general manager of Wuhan Fangyuan Jingwei Textile Apparel Co., Ltd. said in an interview that it costed 300,000 yuan to get this new technology and it could enhance the company’s product market competitiveness under the financial crisis.
"From the drafting of the contract to the negotiation of the details of the design and the conclusion of the agreement, they were all completed by Zeng Pengcheng." Xiang Xinzhu also appreciated this disciple. Although he graduated, Xiang Xinzhu still gave Zeng Pengcheng a key to a laboratory. “As long as he is willing, he can come at any time.†Prof. Xin Zhu said that there is still a lot of problems to be solved in a technology from the lab to the factory. .