The most suitable waterproof coating for bathroom waterproofing

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What waterproof coating is most suitable for the bathroom? This is what everyone has been paying attention to. The leakage of water in the bathroom is a problem in the details of the building. There are three places that are most prone to problems. The most important thing for all of us is that the three places are floor drains, corners and roots. It is prone to gaps, so it is prone to leakage. Also, if the mouth of the bathtub is not tightly connected to the water pipe, it will easily cause gaps and water leakage. Therefore, we should choose a coating that is most suitable for bathroom decoration, so what waterproof coating is most suitable for the bathroom? Here is a small series to tell everyone!

Waterproof coatings We should choose one-component environmentally friendly polyurethane coatings, which are currently recommended by the Ministry of Construction. Since the coating can tightly enclose the pipe and the ground, penetrate into the gap, and does not shrink after drying, it is more suitable for a small-area house with more pipes and gaps than the rigid material such as waterproof cement. Therefore, customers should choose brand paint when purchasing this type of paint, and the cost per square meter is about 50-60 yuan.

It is understood that some domestic brands of polyurethane paint manufacturers have their own construction team, the public can ask the manufacturers to provide professionals while purchasing paint. In order to make the waterproof period longer in the future, the paint generally needs to be brushed 3 times. In order to make the paint fully dry, it is not allowed to be carried out in a rainy or humid climate. Generally, the dry-through period of one-component environmentally-friendly polyurethane coatings is about 3-4 days.

Counting one-component environmentally-friendly polyurethane coatings, cement layers and face tiles covering the coatings, the amount of material per square meter will generally not exceed 400 yuan. In this way, a bathroom of 5 square meters in size, about 2,000 yuan for waterproofing, bathtubs and other bathroom facilities that need to be reconfigured.

After the waterproof construction is completed, all the sewers of the toilet should be blocked, and a "low wall" should be built at the entrance of the bathroom for water injection test. The water injection height is about 20cm. After 24 hours, if there is no leakage around the wall and floor of the bathroom, the waterproof quality of the bathroom is very good. On the contrary, find out the missing points and carry out maintenance.

At the same time, the wall should also be waterproof. In order to achieve a better waterproof effect, the wall surface of the general bathroom should also be waterproofed to a height of about 30 cm to prevent water from escaping through the wall. The wall adjacent to the bathtub is also treated to a higher height than the upper edge of the bathtub. This will ensure that nothing is lost.

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