The origin of kiln flower glaze

In the ceramic glaze, the most varied, the most colorful and most complex form, I am afraid that the kiln will change the glaze. Some of these art glazes are like sunset sunsets, some like the autumn clouds and springs like the sea, some like the galloping horses, some like gems, some like marbles... can be said to be endless, full of dazzling .

The initial appearance of this kind of kiln flower glaze was completely accidental. People made certain glazes according to certain formulas and put them on the surface of the products into the kiln. The burning produced unexpected colors and forms. I really couldn’t think of a bottle of kiln that turned into such a strange and extraordinary color. In front of this strange phenomenon, people at that time could not give a solution or even find a proper name to call this ever-changing Exclusive color. Because it was unexpectedly changed from the kiln hydrocarbons, the ancients simply called it "kiln change." [1]

As early as in the Song Dynasty of China, there have been kiln flowers and flowers in the "Exploration of the Museum" (Volume 2) when talking about the "official kiln" and "Gao Kiln" in the Song Dynasty, saying: "The second kiln burned out the vessel, and there was a kiln for a long time. ... discoloration outside the natural color (ie, glaze), or yellow, or purple, Xiao Xiao cute."

In particular, the copper red glaze of the hook kiln (Hexian County, Henan Province), also known as "hook red", is a kind of kiln flower glaze that is famous both at home and abroad. The characteristic of the hook red glaze product is that in the whole sky azure color, some red or purple red spot machine changes are realized. The ancient poet once praised this famous glaze with the words "sunset and purple sorrow". This precious glaze was used only for the emperor's sacrifice at the time, so it is also called "purple red."

With the advancement of science and the development of production, people's understanding of the glaze-changing glaze has gradually deepened. From the inevitable kingdom of completely blindly obeying nature, it has gradually entered the free kingdom of consciously creating and making kiln-changing glaze. In the Qing Dynasty Yongzheng (1723—1736). Qianlong (1736—1796) workshop, Jingdezhen porcelain workers have consciously imitated the ancient kiln flower glaze. This shows that during the long-term practice, the porcelain workers at that time had already touched the laws of some kiln flower glazes. If you don't touch some rules, it is impossible to copy them. At that time, the housekeeper of the ceramics, Fang Lang Gengying, said in his "Tao Cheng Ji Shi Bei Ji": "The glaze is imitation of the old device" "new new purple, beige, sky blue, kiln change four." Oil green glaze, the internal kiln is old, the color is like jasper, and the brilliance is mottled and quaint. ”

After the liberation, under the correct leadership of the party and Chairman Mao, China's porcelain industry has been frequently reported, not only inheriting and imitating many ancient famous glaze products, but also creating many new kiln glazes, such as Wujin glaze and tabby in Jingdezhen. Glaze, marble glaze of Tangshan, imitation of Wuzhou kiln flower glaze in Hebei, Xiangwu gold glaze in Hunan Xiangtan, etc.

The kiln flower glaze is manufactured on the glazed porcelain or the burnt unglazed embossed body. The glaze of a certain color is applied first, and then the glaze of different colors is used to pass each. Different methods (spraying, glazing, brush glaze, wheel glaze, enamel glaze) are applied to the bottom glaze, so that the various glazes are intertwined and melted together during the firing process, naturally forming each A variety of beautiful colors and patterns. The artistic effect of kiln flower glaze is determined by the shape of various utensils, the relationship between glazes, the method of sleeve application, the firing conditions, and so on.

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