Interview with Li Donghua: Demystifying the Success Story of Mousse and Interpreting the Competitive Advantages of Sanzheng

From the national healthy sleep at the beginning of the year to the two major events of "Happy China", which led the annual grand marketing of the furniture industry, the company has achieved nearly 100% growth in the financial tsunami year. Representatives of high-speed growth companies that are concerned. Mousse is a fast-growing industry dark horse. In just 5 years, it has become the leading bedding brand for healthy sleep in China. Many people are very interested in the story behind the rapid growth of Mousse. To this end, Furniture Channel interviewed Mr. Li Donghua, a consultant of Mousse and Mr. San Zheng, and asked him to reveal the story behind the successful marketing of Mousse's Happy China. Mousse sells not a bed, not a style, not a design, but a healthy sleep [Furniture Channel]: Hello, Mr. Li! In 2009, Mousse and CCTV held the "Music Chinese Travel" "Music Singing Healthy Sleep" large-scale event in the furniture industry can be regarded as the marketing event of this year, whether in the industry or consumer groups, it is very sensational. Why did Mousse choose to cooperate with CCTV's "Happy China" at that time, what was the original intention of doing this activity? [Li Donghua]: When Mr. Wang, the president of Mousse, founded the Mousse brand, he had a very different concept from other colleagues. "We are not selling beds, we are not selling styles, designs, but healthy sleep." That is to say, from the beginning of the establishment of the brand, Mousse is aiming at improving the healthy sleep of human beings as the enterprise's struggle. Over the years, Mr. Wang has personally spread the concept of healthy sleep, to more than 100 dealers, more than 2,000 healthy sleep consultants to spread the concept of healthy sleep, more and more consumers have accepted a healthy sleep lifestyle And benefit from it, but the speed of transmission is still relatively slow. In order to let more people realize the importance of healthy sleep, we decided to take advantage of CCTV's ace show "Happy China", a large-scale cultural evening, so that everyone can naturally realize the importance of healthy sleep in a relaxed and happy state. . The audience who participated in this party was very impressed. There were so many things in the bed where they slept every day that they had never heard of or understood. Less than two weeks after the end of the party, the "egg bed" skipped by Liu Chengjun sold very well. In less than two weeks, it sold more than 200 pieces, indicating that many people are not without the ability to buy, nor say There is no willingness to buy, but there is no such opportunity to realize that the quality of life can be improved through the choice of bedding. From this perspective, Mousse's entertainment marketing campaign has achieved very good social and economic effects. From the situation of the scene, both consumers and experts feel the charm and influence of marketing. "Happy China" is broadcast, we estimate that 15-20 million viewers feel the spread of healthy sleep concept in the joyful enjoyment, this investment is not from the perspective of cost, but from the perspective of the expansion of the entire industry To make more people sleep better, this is our starting point. [Furniture Channel]: So many large-scale events have invited many star lineups. The difficulty is also very big. What difficulties have you encountered? [Li Donghua]: For a company, receiving 6,000 customers from all over the country, the organization is very difficult, and encountered many problems that were thought of and unexpected. The whole team of Mousse played the spirit of unity and fighting in the past. From the implementation of the whole result, the whole combat power of Mousse plays a very important supporting role for us to do a good job in this activity. The passion and unity of these employees have left a deep impression on us. Let me tell you some episodes. On the day of the flight, there was a VIP in the area. Because of the late flight, the party was approaching the beginning of the evening. When I went to see the party, I was jammed. If I went to dinner, I might be delayed. In this case, I might be delayed. We started the airborne solitaire and sent the box lunch to the party, but after they entered the room, the box lunch was frozen, so we arranged for them to stay up late after the party, and then they gave it away when they left. Give them a small gift. The customer was originally dissatisfied, and we have been working hard since then. The customer has expressed a high degree of recognition for our service and left with satisfaction. In fact, similar problems will be encountered in the business process. Our perfect and meticulous execution may have some omissions. The most important thing is the company's service concept, which makes customers reach absolute satisfaction. This is the most rapid rise of mousse. One of the concepts of success. The success of this event demonstrates Mousse's strong fighting power and customer-centric service tenet. [Furniture Channel]: So many customers come from all over the country. The process from the invitation of the customer to the reception is very complicated. What experience is there? [Li Donghua]: It is really complicated. Because the place where we live is scattered to many hotels, the flight is different. We ask the customer to get on the bus to the hotel within half an hour. In order to be able to receive the reception, we have rehearsed in advance, and our reception staff and driver follow the instructions. The route was rehearsed one week in advance, all walked through, including from the airport to the hotel and then to the scene. The whole rehearsal was once. How to introduce the mousse, how to arrange it in the middle, all the field exercises, so that when the shuttle is back, the overall situation of the customer Very satisfied. We also organized a reception group of almost 200 people. Each group has three responsible persons to contact, one is a local distributor, one is a tour guide of a Chinese travel agency, and there is also a staff of a mousse. If there are any problems, you can find guides and dealers. The entire contact system is very smooth. What problems have arisen, solved immediately, and the processing efficiency is very high. The whole process of reception, from drill to division of labor, is very important. We feel that it is not easy to do so well. [Furniture Channel]: There is also a month after the event. From the current feedback, what kind of improvement does the activity have on Mousse? [Li Donghua]: The whole activity will greatly enhance the ability of the company to organize the whole big marketing. At the same time, the coordination and command of the action, the ability of everyone to gather together to do the same thing in a short time will be greatly improved. The employees' mentality and performance are also very proud. The company's centripetal force has been further condensed and upgraded. It is expected that the next 3-5 years will be an era of comprehensive competitiveness. Enterprises will either be bigger or have a hard time. [Furniture Channel]: As a senior furniture industry consultant, please analyze the current situation of the furniture industry. [Li Donghua]: I think the total market for furniture is very large, and consumers in the furniture industry don’t know much about brands. There are quite a lot of business opportunities here. From the perspective of the whole industry, the furniture industry is as big as the real estate industry 5-6 years ago. The market share of the first brand is only a few points. In recent years, Vanke has achieved excellent brand operation and capital operation. And management capabilities, which greatly increased the concentration of the industry, but also constantly increased the threshold of real estate entry, but also led to a lot of poor small and medium-sized real estate companies out of the game, such changes I believe will also be reproduced in the furniture industry . At present, why is there such a very obvious situation in the furniture industry? I made an analysis myself. The furniture design itself is very diversified. The furniture industry is also very diversified. The different furniture are welcomed by different groups of people. Relatively speaking, it is personalized. If a brand uses standardized products, it is very It is difficult to satisfy the requirements of consumer personality, this is the first one. Secondly, in terms of the competitive situation of the industry, the bosses of the furniture industry are still relatively moist. Moreover, the sense of crisis and urgency are not enough. Many people start to adjust after seeing or feeling that they can't, but from a strategic point of view, there is a time difference between thinking and doing. If you wait for pressure to seek change, then It will be very passive. Why has Mousse been running faster for so many years? It is because the standards it refers to are not the same. They are not following what others have done, but they are always thinking about how to be faster, better and stronger than others. Therefore, the strength and persistence of training is in the furniture industry. It is very famous. It can be said that if the bosses of the furniture industry can't keep up with the times, the future will be very difficult. Thirdly, the rise of the furniture industry store has just begun to take shape. The clustering of the entire furniture industry has also developed in recent years. It is obvious that if there is no super chain before, it will only be the local leader. When such a hypermarket appeared, we found that the first brand, the second brand, and the third brand have great differences. If there is an advantageous brand, the location and conditions of the selection are different, when the store expands. The more you share the market share, the greater the share, the better the position of the entire store. If you are not standing well in the entire store, you have already lost on the starting line. The expansion of the furniture store has also led the company to start its own planned expansion. It will be easier to follow the expansion of the store. Many people who open their own stores have no ability. If these three points, the competition in the future furniture market will be even more competitive. Intense, if the brand is not promoted now, the days of moisturizing in the future are estimated to pass. Sanzheng Consultant: Using Qiao Jin to promote the company's rapid growth [Furniture Channel]: How does your Sanzheng consultant company help furniture companies to enhance their comprehensive competitiveness? [Li Donghua]: Since the service of Mousse in 2007, 5-6 companies in the furniture industry have found us, and they all use the Sanzheng system as the core system for their training and operation. Why is the Sanzheng system a high-growth engine for these companies? From the experience of serving these furniture industry, the most helpful to the enterprise is the high-level training system. Sanzheng's service system refers to the aides of the ancient Chinese culture system, supports the support of enterprises from small to large, helps enterprises to establish core teams, and introduces an integrated operating system to support the company's rapid growth. After thousands of service companies' experience, Sanzheng has explored an effective consultancy service business model. In the auxiliary service, we believe that the most important thing is to raise the boss's awareness and energy level, followed by the core team, and then come to the store manager and sales staff. Many companies have engaged in a lot of training for employees, but many companies do not put the boss and high-level training in the first place. This is a misunderstanding that I have seen many companies in the furniture industry engage in training. Sanzheng has a seven-system course that can train high-level executives to master the rules of corporate growth, how to operate a business, how to organize a group of people and operate efficiently, how to improve the leadership of seniors, and how to develop strategic operations. It will lead to two or three things in a year and can double the performance of the company. How to run the whole enterprise through a system to make the operation more efficient. Finally, what method is used to guide the senior management? The core team can be united, making the team's wisdom far exceed personal wisdom. When a company's boss or executive can master these capabilities, the speed of development will be much faster than others. Just like two people contesting, one is practicing martial arts, one is not practicing, and the ones that have not been practiced are all how to play on the spot, and those who have practiced martial arts have gone through the steps and learned how to move. Flashing, how to attack, when others have not made a move, there should be several ways to deal with it, etc., and the two men’s contests will not be self-evident. Similarly, the boss also has the difference between professional and unprofessional. The core of the three-way service is to train the professional boss and the professional core team, so that the company has the ability to continue to lead. Since 2007, Mousse has accepted the service of Sanzheng. The core part of the training of the boss, the core team, the dealers and the clerk is to ask the three to do it. After the training, what is the difference? According to Mr. Wang’s words, he used to be like a locomotive pulling hundreds of cars. When the dealer accepted the service of Sanzheng, he was like a lot of locomotives pulling and running. He felt that his burden was a lot easier. . Many furniture industry bosses already have enough money, they can't spend enough, and when they are big, they feel very tired. They don't want to make more money, but they feel very tired. When the company's top management and dealers can When you grow up automatically, the boss will do the bigger and easier.

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