The future of the three major trends in the home market is expected to expand

The home market has been cold for a while and entered a cold period, but industry insiders believe that from the beginning of next week, passenger flow will gradually increase, and consumers' willingness to purchase will become more and more green.

Mid-range consumer market is expected to expand

The development of the home furnishing industry is inseparable from the real estate industry, and the adjustment of the property market from time to time brings new considerations to the store. It is understood that this year, 450,000 sets of guaranteed housing will be established in our province, the scope of which is 2.5 times that of last year. From a long-term perspective, the consumption of building materials at home will gradually break away from the polarization, and mid-range products will be well-loved.

At the same time, some experts believe that even if the establishment of guaranteed housing will not be reflected in the home industry so quickly, driving the increase of mid-range consumer groups, but the current price level will divert consumers ’funds in this area, and the cost of home decoration will be reduced, forcing Owners tend to focus on mid-range when buying building materials and furniture. It is estimated that the market for mid-range products will only grow larger.

Green is the most sought after

When visiting major local building materials home furnishing stores, it was found that environmental protection, individuality, high quality and low price are the most important factors that consumers are most concerned about when buying products, especially green environmental protection. In fact, after the Copenhagen conference last year, environmental protection has gradually become the predominant dominance of building materials and home consumption. Many stores said that they will still focus on environmental protection products this year and will promote this healthy home furnishing trend.

With the improvement of life and death level, people's demand for living environment has risen from time to time, and self-maintenance knowledge and identification of commodities have also become more rational. "When we choose a store, we pay more attention to whether the store can be trusted, whether the brands provided in the store have been rigorously audited by the country, and whether we can guarantee our health and well-being." Ms. Lin informed the reporter. According to the survey, the source materials for green and environmentally friendly building materials are generally available, using crops and other sources as effective source materials. The application cycle is generally longer than traditional processes, and the prices are relatively cheap.

Personalized features to conquer the post-90s consumer group

It is understood that in addition to advocating green and environmentally friendly Ankang decoration methods, consumers also have high demands for personalized characteristics of household products. "The post-90s consumer groups have become more prominent. Their personalized requests for home products and brand-new requests for built-in and even service methods in the store will be a big challenge to the traditional store. The store will pay more attention to its products when it enters the resident merchants. The commonality and high cost performance, and the overly heavy and luxurious brands will choose carefully. "An industry source introduced.

In the past year or two, the post-90s have been promoted to the main force of home consumption. Their educational level is generally high, they have a high tolerance for emerging things, and strong independent insights and other characteristics have decided that they pay special attention to the personalization of products when purchasing home products . In addition, the majority of post-90s group purchases are dominated by small units, so they are particularly fond of products with small size and large functions. The newly-married Xiao Jia informed the reporter: "The dining table at home can be hidden and retracted, the sofa can be turned into a double bed, and the tea sea on the balcony can be raised and lowered. These personalized products have saved us a lot of indoor space. More importantly, it adds a lot of life to us. "

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